The material for the windscreen is EAGLR.MAT The doors are EADORGLR.MAT (right), EADORGLL.MAT (left) They use the TIF: SCRN.TIF The crazed screen is: SCRN2.TIF The broken screen is: SCRN3.TIF The Material for the window 'chunk' is: SCRN4 it's inside the mat file named 'SCRN4.mat' The tif is SCRN4.TIF The Front-Light materials are: EALITR EALITL They use 'eheadlig.TIF' as a placeholder. (I haven't bothered with working indicators for the Eagle - when would they be used?) The 'Headlights on' tif is EHEADON.TIF The broken headlight tif is EHEADBRK.TIF The materials for the rear lights are EARLITR EARLITL They use the tif 'ebacklig.TIF' as placeholder The TIF containing the states of rear lights is: EBACKALL.TIF The broken rear-lights tif is EBACKBRK.TIF